Find Activities in the SkillBlox Library
To begin exploring activities, choose to navigate by framework or by keyword.
Option 1: Search by Framework
Select subject from the dropdown menu.
Choose a topic, subtopic, and skill from the framework.
Once you select a skill activities in the SkillBlox library will automatically appear under Learning Activities. Now it's time to Select Activities!
(Optional) Use the Publisher and Format filters to narrow down the options.
Option 2: Search by Keyword
In Select Skill section, choose By Keyword
Type in a search term
Activities in the SkillBlox library will automatically appear under Learning Activities. Now it's time to Select Activities!
Note: When searching by keyword, you don't need to select a subject.
Now, select activities!
When activities appear, simply click on them to add them to the Skillblox you're creating.
➕ Activities that you choose will turn light blue.
➖ If you decide you don't want to add an activity, just click on it again. It'll turn white.
To finalize your selection, click SAVE
Great! Time to customize your SkillBlox...